Mask Off: Living Purposefully For Christ Series- Part 2

Mask Off: Living Purposefully For Christ Series- Part 2

Masking Off Where Spiritual Transformation Begins

What does Mask Off Mean?

Masking off is taking off a façade and revealing the truth underneath. It is a process of self-reflection and self-discovery. It involves looking within yourself to identify and address the roots of your beliefs and behaviors. By evaluating your thoughts and feelings, you can begin to uncover the source of your spiritual transformation. Through this process, you can gain insight into your own journey and learn how to make positive changes to help you reach your highest potential.

What is spiritual transformation?

According to Dr. Tony Evans, spiritual transformation is an internal change that reflects the character of God and corresponds with external change. Spiritual transformation is understanding that you are a sinner living apart from God.

Let’s tap into Mask Off Where Spiritual Transformation Begins.

My spiritual transformation started because I was tired of falling short before God repeatedly. I was tired of cheating on God with the devil and realized that the devil did not care about me as much as God did. I had to stop faking the funk and dive deep within myself. I had to stop being lukewarm. The day I rededicated my life and fully surrendered to Christ was when I said I would always be 100% for Jesus. That day was also when I decided to stop wearing my mask.

I want to stress that although you decide to walk with God does not mean that you won’t ever fall short again or that the enemy will not tempt you anymore. I want to tell you it’s the opposite. The devil and his goons are going to be consistently aiming for you. They want to show God that you are no good and they can get you back on their team. -Jodie Trisha

I want to tell you there is freedom in your unmasking. There is freedom in giving Jesus your eternal yes. Why? Because God will always be there for you. He has gracefully forgiven you.

2 Corinthians 3:17-18 says, “For the Lord is the Spirit, and wherever the Spirit of the Lord is, there is freedom. So, all of us who have had that veil removed can see and reflect the glory of the Lord. And the Lord—who is the Spirit—makes us more and more like him as we are changed into his glorious image.”

Wearing a veil (mask) prevents you from pursuing an intimate relationship with God. When you remove your veil (Mask),

  • you can truly enjoy God’s glory
  • you are allowing Holy Spirit to take root inside of you.

As you continue to search for understanding and who you are in Christ by reading the bible and talking to God, those seeds will start to take root inside you, and that’s when the spiritual transformation will begin. Holy Spirit will start to prune the bad weeds (your sinful ways) as the fruits of the Spirit will begin to grow and blossom inside of you. You will start to become an imitation of Christ (Ephesians 5:1).

Let’s stop pretending with God and give him our eternal yes so that our names can be written in the book of life (Revelation 21:27). Let’s get serious about serving our Lord and Master Jesus Christ. Your spiritual transformation depends on it.


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